Tuesday, March 16, 2021

2021 book 62

 Casey McQuiston's One Last Stop

I am having a hard time articulating my feelings about this book. I mean, it was going to be tough to follow up Red, White, and Royal Blue, so I’m glad McQuiston went in a totally different direction with this one (it’s about a bi girl who falls for a hot lesbian on her subway commute, but she’s been stuck there since the 70s). Here's the thing: this would be an AWESOME movie. A large cast of diverse and quirky sidekicks (including not one, but two, drag queens), a couple of mysteries, subway makeouts, fighting gentrification, etc. But like, it /feels/ like a movie. It’s all too neat and nice. On the other hand, isn’t it awesome to have a super cute and very queer romance novel with a fantastical element? And as the target audience for that, shouldn’t I just get on board? Ok, yes. This IS a super cute queer romance novel. But also, someone should make it into a movie. A/A-.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on June 1st.


Christina said...

Why wasn’t this more exciting? Like somehow it was boring? I wanted to be caught up like I was with RWRB but I just drifted a bit. Maybe the time travel was the problem?

K8 said...

You're exactly right (I just finished this and came to see what you thought). The pacing was very cinematic, too, esp at the end.