Monday, August 22, 2022

2022 book 146

 Lish McBride's A Little Too Familiar

Basically, these days I'm only interested in romance novels if there’s a magical element, and I wanted to try this one because I remembered liking McBride's YA books I read back in the day. And this was a cute romance but parts of it were a little heavy! Our heroine is an animal mage who helps familiars and witches bond. And our hero is a werewolf whose girlfriend left him for his sister, and by the way he is afraid of animal mages due to a very traumatic childhood (his father and stepmother were abusive and also ran a cult, which does come into play as they escape prison and try and track their children down). Now I personally prefer romance novels with less immediate ogling/horny thoughts, I like there to be buildup to horniness, but I stuck it out bc the characters were interesting (I love ALL the side characters, this is a found family bonanza, and many of them are queer) and was glad I did. But like I said, things do get kind of heavy, so just a lil warning there. But if you want a romance with magic, a baby phoenix, and some pretty hilarious moments involving a flock of pigeons, this one is good. A-/B+.

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