Friday, June 28, 2024

2024 book 108

 T. Kingfisher’s A Sorceress Comes to Call

HOORAY for new T. Kingfisher! I actually texted a friend when I was like a third of the way in “it’s SO GOOD and nothing creepy has happened yet!” Well, that didn’t last, lol. Anyway, this has two POV characters—a fourteen year old girl whose mother is a powerful sorceress, and who punishes her daughter by controlling her body so she’ll be “obedient.” Mega yikes. AND a fifty year old spinster, whose brother the sorceress is determined to marry. And what better way to try and interrupt a proposal than inviting over some friends for a house party? This is like a straight up Regency style mystery romance setting, one of my FAVORITE settings. Of course, with an unscrupulous sorceress on hand, things quickly get grimmer, and stuff does get unsettling! I would expect nothing less. This has elements of the Goose Girl fairy tale—there’s a horse named Falada, and the spinster sister breeds geese (I was here for the geese)—but it’s telling a different story entirely. It’s GREAT. Very funny, amazing characters, satisfying ending. Another awesome Kingfisher book. A.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on August 6th.

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