Wednesday, June 05, 2024

2024 book 98

 Rachel Neumeier's Rihasi

Oh, now this is interesting--it's set in the Tuyo universe, but I think this is the first one that doesn't involve/center the Ugaro people--all the major characters are Lau. Anyway, this involves a woman who's determined to expose a lot of injustices to Aras (who of course is a major character in the other books), and the mercenary she hires to travel with her, who has a secret from his past that means he absolutely does not want to see Aras. Also, she's in disguise as a dude, and there are so many fun details there. I LOVED both these characters (I always love Neumeier's characters but really loved these), and as always loved the writing and plot. Lots of light and funny moments balancing out the action and traveling. And the very end of this one is particularly entertaining. Neumeier writes such satisfying stories, but I am really partial to the Tuyo-verse. A.

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