Monday, September 30, 2024

2024 book 160

 H.G. Parry's The Scholar and the Last Faerie Door

Parry's The Magician's Daughter was one of my favorite books of 2023, so I was eagerly awaiting this one. I was mildly dubious about the plot, which involves a) a secret magical school and b) a scholarship girl seduced by the friendship of a group of wealthy, powerful students, and then it all goes wrong. I mean that is fine for a plot, but it's kind of a cliche? But once again Parry's writing drew me in, and the post-WWI setting made things interesting. I did think the ending was reminiscent of another somewhat recent fantasy book involving a magical school (being vague for spoiler reasons). I’m not sure how intentional all those similarities were? I did really enjoy reading this, though. A-.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on October 22nd.

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