Monday, September 02, 2024

2024 book 142

 C.M. Waggoner's The Village Library Demon Hunting Society

Ok, this was a SUPER fun take on cozy mysteries. So it centers on an aging librarian who is known for solving all the murders in her small town, but at a certain point she’s like, it’s very WEIRD that there are so many murders in my small town and that I always solve them! [This does always bug me in long running series! How does that one tiny town in the Louise Penny books have so many murders??] And she realizes demons are involved! Also, her cat is possessed by something claiming to be the ghost of his namesake, Lord Thomas Cromwell. I loved the narrative voice here and I especially loved the protagonist with her friends (including a young priest). This was very funny and entertaining, and the mystery plot worked really well for me. There is a hint at the end that this could be the start of a series, and I say YES PLEASE GIVE ME MORE!! A.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on September 24th.

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