Thursday, May 06, 2021

2021 book 103

 Lois McMaster Bujold's Memory

I think I skipped a book accidentally, but it doesn't matter because they discuss the events of that book MANY times in this one, so I saved myself some repetition! I remain not super into Miles as a protagonist; he is SO WHINY (even though the things he is whiny about are bad!) and also is kind of gross about the (several) women he's boning and perpetually is ogling all other women. It's like a twelve year old horndog wrote this book. (I'm not even gonna start on the many comments about Miles' clone's weight, it's very unnecessary.) Eventually the actual plot--Miles is assigned to figure out what happened to his mentor's memory chip, was it SABOTAGE--kicks in and I was much more engaged. I find the politics/society of this world really interesting, and I always love a mystery, especially if no one actually dies. I liked the back half of this a lot. B+.

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