Sunday, August 04, 2024

2024 book 130

 Jordan Ifueko's The Maid and the Crocodile

This is billed as a stand-alone set in the world of Raybearer, but I think you’d be better off reading those first, since some of the characters recur (and I think it would have been easier for me if those details were fresher in my mind). But it’s a good story either way! The protagonist is a girl who has aged out of her orphanage and wants to find a job as a maid, but people think she’s unlucky because of her appearance and her damaged foot. Also, there’s a whole thing where she can see and clean away remnants of magic/feelings/it’s hard to explain. And then she ends up bound to a cursed young man with godly powers. Ok you know what, there’s a lot going on here, plot-wise, and explaining it isn’t getting me anywhere. I really liked this, especially how it ended, lots of cool friendships and a little romance and a little bit of political revolution. Good times. A-.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on August 13th.

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