Saturday, August 31, 2024

2024 book 141

 Sarah Rees Brennan's Long Live Evil

I love Brennan's In Other Lands, so was eagerly awaiting this one, her first adult novel. And it was one of those books that I liked while I was reading, but was never in a hurry to pick it up again. It centers on a young woman dying of cancer, who finds herself a character in her little sister's favorite book series—and if she can get a specific magical flower, she can heal herself and return to her own world. Except the character she finds herself inhabiting is a villainess on the eve of execution. And so she decides her best bet is to lean into being evil. Some interesting twists along the way for sure and I did giggle out loud more than once, and I ended up being really invested in all the other POV characters. Things get extra entertaining in the last quarter and I ended up liking this a lot. Looking forward to book two. A-.

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