Friday, November 19, 2021

2021 book 234

 Laura Lam's Goldilocks 

So this starts off really strong, about a young woman in the near future, part of a team of five women WHO HAVE FREAKING STOLEN A SPACESHIP FROM NASA! See, they were supposed to be the crew of the ship heading to a habitable planet (because Earth is a mess), but then politics and misogyny came into play and they were replaced. But no one is taking their spaceship to space except them! This is interspersed with flashbacks to the protagonist's younger days, early career, her relationship with her adoptive mother (also the captain of their mission). Things bog down a little in the back half as there's a little too much focus on her love life, and then they find out the captain is being shady in ways that are completely ridiculous and unbelievable. So it didn’t end up being the story I thought it was, and it wasn’t really a satisfying conclusion. On the plus side, two of the lady astronauts are a married couple and one is a POC (maybe more? I sort of lost track of things a little bit, there are so many planets and corporations that all have names that are last names and all of the astronauts go by last names). Anyway, this was fine, I just was expecting something else. B.

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