Sunday, February 28, 2021

2021 book 50

 T. Kingfisher’s Paladin's Strength 

HOORAY, a new Ursula Vernon book! This is the second of her fluffy paladin romance novels, centered on a small band of paladins whose God died and they’re still dealing with the trauma. In this one, paladin Istvhan is leading a mission to deliver some whiskey barrels—and maybe find out more about those creepy dudes from the last book—when he encounters Clara, a nun determined to rescue her kidnapped sisters (and since they’re the convent of St Ursa, maybe you can guess what secret they’re keeping). Great characters, lots of action, lots of PINING, lots of trademark hilarious moments, plus the occasional reanimated corpse and unsettling rabbit. And sassy nuns. I love it. A.

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