Friday, December 23, 2022

2022 book 228

 Kate Elliott's The Keeper's Six

Elliott is sometimes hit or miss for me, but this was really fun! I'm not going to try and explain the world here (it’s interesting though)—suffice it to say the protagonist, a sixty year old woman, has to get the band back together when her adult son is kidnapped by a dragon and she has to go on a mission to free him. The main character and her family are all really vivid; I did think the secondary characters could have used a bit more development (but it looks like there might be more in the series and room for that later). The protagonist also happens to be Jewish, which isn’t super relevant to the plot but is important to her character, so I was here for that. I hope there will be more books with her and her rabble-rousing, unionizing family. A-.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on January 17th.

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