Monday, July 08, 2024

2024 book 118

 Jacqueline Harpman's I Who Have Never Known Men (trans. by Ros Schwartz)

I absolutely could have gobbled this down in one sitting had bedtime permitted, the narrative voice is SO ENGAGING and the story is so....unusual? Compelling? So the premise is there are 40 women trapped in a bunker, under heavy guard, and they have no idea where they are or what happened or why they are there. But one of them, the narrator, was just a small child when they were captured, and has no memory of their former world. Fascinating sort of coming of age story, interesting characters and social dynamics. Weirdly, I was looking up the author and apparently she was the inspiration for a google doodle just a couple days ago! (I don’t see the doodle on my devices so that is a weird coincidence!) A/A-.

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