Wednesday, July 24, 2024

2024 book 126

 Tanya Huff's Into the Broken Lands

Perfect example of the sunk cost fallacy: like halfway through I was like, I’m not actually enjoying this, it’s just endless journeying in a land full of dangers led by an insecure heir and a weapon who’s a person, with some really annoying scholars, interspersed with flashbacks to an earlier journey in the same land of dangers. But like, I’ve been reading it all week! If I stop now, that's just wasted time! So I kept going, when instead I could have been reading something I liked better, and who cares if I didn’t blog a book for a few days (I’ve been playing a lot of Stardew lately so have been reading less, too). Anyway, this was fine, I wasn’t into it but I’m sure other people would be. B.

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