Saturday, July 13, 2024

2024 book 121

 Emma Alban's You’re The Problem It's You

The second book in Alban's Mischief and Matchmaking series involves a cousin of each of the women from the first book, who are: a new Viscount who has no idea what he’s doing and has a horrible stepfather, not to mention a long-time crush on the other dude, a second son who the family convinces to help the Viscount be good at viscounting. This felt more stressful than the first one. It’s billed as enemies to lovers but it’s just two awkward dudes having a bunch of miscommunications while an over-the-top villain makes things messy. I did think it was interesting that both of these books had side plots about actual politics (getting bills passed etc). It does get very cute in the last quarter, I just think it would have benefited from having Beth and Gwen more prominent throughout (or maybe I’m just more invested in them). A-/B+.


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in August.

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