Saturday, March 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
slightly rainy saturdays are the perfect time to bake bread (freshly-aked bread makes being stuck at home writing more bearable too!).

this is sephardic pumpkin challah--it's not like pumpkin bread, it's challah with a hint of pumpkiny goodness. and i can vouch for the pumpkiny goodness--as you can see, i had a little slice from the loaf on the right (this came out of the oven a couple hours ago, but my camera battery was dead and i had to wait for it to recharge). i'm looking forward to a dinner of fresh challah, apples, and yummy farmer's market cheese. brain food!!

now, back to six feet under on dvd! i mean, writing more of my master's paper. *looks around guiltily*


Anonymous said...

oooh I can smell those delicious-looking loaves from here!! How much pumpkin actually went into them? Is the bread really dense? (MIke)

Alicia K. said...

it was just about 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree--so the pumpkin flavor is pretty subtle.

challah is generally pretty light and easy to tear apart (and mine is just like that!)--i'm not sure how to really describe it. it's not at all like a pumpkin quickbread.

Anonymous said...

Hey WD! I'm writing about what makes you an avid reader right now as a way of procrastinating on my big paper. I guess surfing the net would be another way of doing that...
Man that bread looks good. Yum.

Alicia K. said...

i am honored to be in your paper, and to aid you in your procrastination! :)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the challah was still light after the pumpkin went into it... I will totally have to try that out!! I sometimes have trouble with my dough falling even without added pumpkin ;) My grandmother used to put her dough on a pillow and yell at my dad and his siblings if they were running around the house when she made it. (MIke)

Alicia K. said...

i can send you the recipe if you want--there were about 5 hours of rising at various intervals throughout, so it's best accomplished when you're going to be at home for a while.

also, i leave my dough to rise in the closed oven (i preheat to 400 for just a minute before putting it in) so it's sort of secluded--not that i have kids running around or anything, but it's nice to keep it safe and out of the way. :)

Anonymous said...

a recipe would be awesome, thank you! I also hide the rising dough in the oven... but since moving I've been scared to use the gas oven for anything apart from a chocolate cake a few weeks ago (nothing exploded, so I might use it more now).