Thursday, May 18, 2017

2017 book 89

Megan Whalen Turner's Thick as Thieves
Turner's long-awaited latest novel is a standalone set in the world of her Queen's Thief series, which was handy because I only vaguely remember those books (I think this book would have been stronger if I had remembered more of them, actually). It centers on a slave who, through a circuitous series of events, ends up fleeing with a soldier working for the king from the earlier books. It is basically your typical fantasy road trip novel, a genre I find suuuuuper boring, though I did enjoy some of the conversations between the two men and found their relationship interesting. But like they are just traveling around getting into scrapes for 90 percent of the novel. The last ten percent was great and I wished the rest of the book was like that. B.

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