Sunday, July 22, 2012

2012 book 192

Amanda Coplin's The Orchardist
Lonely gruff old man farmers are basically my favorite literary archetype, especially when they're aiding pregnant girls (See Kent Haruf's Plainsong for another find example of this trope). Of course, this book takes a far different tack than Plainsong--for one thing, it's set in the late 1800s, and for another, there are two pregnant girls--sisters--fleeing something pretty horrible. The story also goes in a completely different (and generally unexpected) direction (really, the only similarities are lovable old farmers and pregnant girls). Plus, there's some interesting insights into the not-entirely-fully-formed legal system of the time. I will say that I found end mildly unsatisfying, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the book. B+.

An e-galley was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in August.

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