Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2012 book 340

Janet Fox's Sirens
A YA historical mystery set in the 20s involving mobsters, bootleggers, a faked suicide, and flappers should have been right up my alley, but this book just plain annoyed me. For one thing, ALL the answers were in a journal that the protagonist was forever not managing to finish--completely unrealistic--and for another, ALL the answers were completely obvious, but she was too dumb to see them! Plus the end was completely bonkers, but not in a fun way, in a stupid way, and the romance is completely bland. I am actually angry at how this could have been an awesome book, but wasn't. Maybe it's because it's YA, but it's not like kids need to have every clue served to them on a silver platter, and I know that YA mysteries can be just as compelling as grown-up ones. C.

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