Monday, March 19, 2007

etgar keret

Here is a great piece on Etgar Keret, who has been receiving even more buzz than usual lately (I think b/c the graphic novel he wrote with one of the Hanuka brothers in their comic Jetlag has been made into a a movie starring the kid from Almost Famous and Tom Waits. Note that the movie's title is lame, and the original story was called Pizzeria Kamikaze). Anyway, I was pleased to see a mention of "Hat Trick", which is something I read back in college when I was doing an independent study on Israeli short stories; looks like it's being translated into English for the first time now, which is great, b/c I've had a helluva time trying to prove its existence before now. No one has ever believed that a story involving a magician pulling a dead baby out of a hat actually existed (though dead baby jokes were really in vogue back when I was in college. Ah, nostalgia. Just kidding, eww.).


js said...

oh, that movie! it's been exceedingly well reviewed; i agree the title is a little odd. i'll check it out!

Alicia K. said...

let me know how it is! i highly doubt we'll get it here.