Wednesday, October 08, 2008

things to do on yom kippur to distract yourself from hunger

Or, what I'll be doing for the next 25ish hours!

1. Knit and watch Doctor Who.

2. Read. (The new Art Spiegelman book totally has Jewish content, even!)

3. Play DS. Luckily Harvest Moon crops don't really look appetizing. Will my brain age go down the hungrier I get?

4. Think holy thoughts and atone for stuff.

5. Try not to obsess over the pumpkin bread intended for the break-fast.

Hope everyone has an easy fast!


Anonymous said...

I'm very interested to hear your thoughts on the Art Spiegelman book. I read today that he has a new children's book out that looks intriguing as well.

May you have an easy fast!

Alicia K. said...

I read excerpts of his new one when VQR was serializing it (it was a whole chapter of my master's paper, in fact) and am totally psyched to read the rest.

His kid's book is part of the Toon Books series that he and his wife are putting out. They look GREAT! I kind of want to collect the whole set in case I ever have kids. I do actually have another kid's book he did--it's called like, Pet me, I'm a Dog, and it's hilarious.