Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2014 book 24

Diana Gabaldon's A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Well, here we are, dealing with the American Revolution, or whatever. All that was overshadowed by YET MORE RAPE, good lord, Gabaldon, why. WHY. There are so many other interesting things going on with your women--Claire being a doctor and feared as a witch, Brianna being an engineer (better shovels! matches! syringes! pipes and kilns!) and being overly outspoken and disliked, plus various time travel and interpersonal dramas. And murders. And yet they keep getting raped and/or kidnapped. Basically all of the main characters (including the men!) have been raped now and are emotionally traumatized and it's become very unpleasant. And it seems especially weird in a book, where, like, a girl straight-up marries a set of identical twins and Gabaldon is clearly gung-ho on this sex-positive threesome. You know, I have finally realized that this series is a historical SOAP OPERA and that's why it's so engaging and, at the same time, so terrible. At least no one tried to stone anyone on the Young and the Restless to death, though! Damn. B.

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