Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015 book 16

Tania James' The Tusk That Did the Damage
James' second novel--after the excellent Atlas of Unknowns--heads back to India, but this time her subject is elephant poaching (insert many sad-face emojis here). The story is told from the POVs of three narrators--a young woman, working on a documentary about an elephant rehab center; a young boy called "the poacher," who is . . . not actually a poacher; and AN EFFING ELEPHANT, an infamous one called "the Gravedigger," who has an EXTREMELY SAD history. Eventually these three stories converge, though not in the way you might think. I really liked each character's story and found this to be a sad, but touching, novel. Really strong writing and hopefully will get people up in arms to save the elephants! A-.

A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in March.

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