Wednesday, August 03, 2005

2005 books 100 and 101

today was the nicest weather we've had yet and we are all happily sunburned. well, i'm more tan than pink, but some of us are blotchier than others. :)

in big news of the day, my aunt called to report that she was golfing at some trump course in new york and BILL CLINTON was golfing ahead of them! she said he doesn't look great and was dressed like a nerd (with white socks), but he was really nice and waved at them and stuff. we were all very excited, being die-hard democrats and clinton fans.

oh, and i was stung by a jellyfish yesterday! i forgot to write that part.

onto the books!

j.m. coetzee's elizabeth costello
this book started off promising, got boring quickly, and was quite lame by the end.

stephen marche's raymond and hannah
i liked this one much better: it's about a pair of canadians who meet and fall for each other the week before she is going to israel for nine months to learn at a yeshiva. those of you who know me well will understand immediately that i related to a lot of this material, but i think anyone who's ever been involved in something long-distance will enjoy this. things become complicated when hannah becomes much more interested in her religion after learning about it--raymond isn;'t jewish. the format of this book is also pretty neat, with little sidebar notes like a textbook!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! You are amazing. I feel like a slacker for only being on #72 (the new Eco, finally). :)

I'm glad you liked the Minotaur book.

David said...

Word Nerdy to Nobel Prize Committee: Suck It!

Squeeky was a sad child, the product of neglect. She got stung by a jellyfish, demanding her respect. Demons are real, they are standing still.

pinky pinkerson said...

stung by a jellyfish!? was it bad? did you have to use meat tenderizer on it?

Alicia K. said...

heh, no, it wasn't bad--i felt two stings and so my sister and i got out of the water, and it was a little red so my mom gave me an ice-pack, but when the red started spreading i headed over to the lifeguard, and he told me to rub wet sand on it (whihc apparently removes the stinging cells, or something like that) and then he sprayed me with something and told me not to rinse it off for two hours, and i was all better. it was my very first jellyfish sting!

john: thanks for the props! no one here seems that interested. :)

david: that is a lovely poem. i've never read anything else by coetzee, so maybe those are better and he deserved the nobel? *shrug*

David said...

Those are the lyrics to "Demons Are Real" by Guided by Voices. As are these:

Deliver this letter to the one I love the most. I lost all my money to a three-hundred pound ghost.

I am no where near that bright and talented.

Alicia K. said...

you have uncovered my secret shame: i don't actually own any gbv, and i'm not sure i'm familiar with even one of their songs.